Origami involves the making of the papers into several different designs. The art is applied in several disciplines like in education, psychology and creativity.The art is more than just the simple craft idea. The art is advantageous and has many benefits in a good number of ways. The art could be applied to bother the children and the older people in general.
For instance his origami can be able to stimulate development in many ways. The people are turned out to be the active consumers and not the passive consumers who become essential in the latest technology. There is a lot of creativity and which is instilled in the brain of the individuals who see involving themselves in the origami making.
Origami helps the individuals with poor confidence. This is in the establishment and creation of many arts and designs. The mind is separated from the otherworldly beliefs whereby the hands are kept busy and thus the hands are left to work on a given piece of work.
The origami are advantageous in that they leave the environment clean. Instead of making the environment and the surrounding dirty, origami ensures that the papers are removed from the environment. Imagine the state of the surroundings whereby there is a lot of trash and dirt created in the environment. The origami design can be used as a strategy to secure and safeguard the environment from dirt.
The origami style of making the flowers can be applied in the joint learning whereby the students and the learners are requested to make the flowers. If the students in a class ae asked to make a certain design they are likely to take part in the making of the design a group. the learners can probably use the designs which they come up with in the mathematical field. There are essential algebraic rules which can be learnt by the students who developed specific designs.
It is crucial in the growth of the cognitive part. Creativity is a virtue which is developed when the sequencing of the specific results is used .As a strategy to learn and build on the cognitive development, the motor skills learnt in the making of the origami flowers could be applied to the customers and the clients. The children also learn the importance of patience and the exploration of the material offers assistance in developing tolerance.
It further attributes to social relations and a feeling of well- being, team building exercise and creation of the eye contact Further , the art is used to learn more on how to communicate without the use of language.