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Dental Chews for Dogs and How they Help Your Dog

The canine friends you breed at home, the dogs, are often of the habit of getting chewing all that they may come across and as such as a dog owner you will need to be as creative on the dental chews that you can but for them to maintain the oral health. Let us take a look at some of the steps you can actually take to teach your dog chewing as a constructive habit.

The first step you can take towards this end is to proof the home. You are certainly going to benefit from the dog proofing the home as it is such a good and sure preventive step towards this need. For those items in the house which cannot be removed, you need to have these sprayed using some sort of a deterrent which you can choose from those sprays with smells that the dogs don’t so tolerate.

Take control of the dogs chews by letting them learn the “drop” command and this is actually one of the very handy tips to ensure that you indeed have a control of the habits that the doggy engages in. This step is indeed quite handy where it comes to the need to stop the dog from chewing something they actually should not have in their mouth once they have been trained in it and have it mastered. Be firm in this training and never yell at the dog when you find it chewing on something it should not. The command is basically started out for training the dogs by allowing it ease of reach to a substance which would be luring them to have a chew of such as shoes and once you spot them trying their habit on the said item, you just say “drop” and then help the dog remove the substance from their mouth. By and by with repetitive instructions, the dogs will learn ad know what actually they are not supposed to chew on and know what the word actually tells them of.

Thirdly, think of swapping the inappropriate items with the appropriate dog toys. Follow your drop command to the dog with some of the recommended and suitable dog chew toys whenever you have your dog chewing on something that is not good for their chewing needs. When he stops chewing on the inappropriate items and starts chewing on the appropriate one, be sure to commend them so as to train them to know that they are actually chewing on the right item.

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