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Gospel for Asia: How to Become a Blessing to the Needy and the Oppressed

How do you like becoming a blessing to other people? To many of us, we have work, money to buy food and clothing, and we live in a comfortable life, but the other side of the world is full of hunger, poverty, crime, and disaster. Every individual has his own life to take, but it is our responsibility and obligation as Christians to help our fellowmen. We may have our own lives but we need to be socially responsible. More than the food we eat, and the water we drink, we need to sustain our spirituality, become an influence to others in a good way like what Jesus did.

We can help others through our simple endeavors rooted with love and care for others. In the school, you can help your classmates by being a tutor for those who need help with their academics if you’re still a student. Be an example to your classmates by not being a bully and respecting the rights and preferences of your classmates. Be a blessing to your fellow teenagers by encouraging your siblings, friends and classmates to join religious youth camps and conferences, so they can also grow their faith and spirituality with Christ. You may want to also encourage your parents and relatives to conduct a fund raising campaign by having garage sale or Christmas pledge, and donate any kind of goods to charity events.

If you are an adult Christian, you can take part with charity works, participate in volunteer work, or serving your religious congregation. There are countless ways to become a blessing to other people, to your employees or with your colleagues by reading the bible or gospel reading on your break or lunch time, sharing your religious views or insights, sending inspirational quotes on their emails, and asking them how is their day so far. A simple smile on your face or saying “hi” and “hello” can make a difference in someone else’s life. It is also a good idea patronizing your own local products and services to help business owners and employees in your locality. With social media, it is easier to share the good news by sharing gospel readings, posting inspirational verses or gospel quotes, and other inspiring stories.

Do you want to spend your life in a meaningful and right way? Know your life’s purpose, come and check our homepage or website now. Realize your mission and vision by talking to Gospel for Asia.

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