A Quick Overlook of Laws – Your Cheatsheet

Operation Choke point Unfairness by Andrew Phillips Cardflex

In 2013, a new law was made in the United States of America called the operation choke point that was intended to make sure that the consumers were not exploited by using government agencies to discourage the banks from doing business with the listed ones. The aim of this program was to make the businesses that were listed as the ones in the high risk of exploiting the consumer run out of business. This law lost its effect when it included a lot of legal businesses that were considered to be a scam to the consumers and that included the fire arms and ammunition.

The law was not affecting the listed business alone but also those that did business with them and among them was the ISO Andrew Phillips Cardflex whose one of the principles is Andrew Phillips. This law is unfair to those people that are being choked out of their business yet they are doing legal businesses. As was expected, this was met by a lot of resistance by congress who were trying to put an end to this “operation “until it was allegedly over.

When this law was instigated, the banks were forced to block the listed businesses from their services and that led them to sending notices to these businesses telling them that they will not be able to work with them. These notices were a result of the government using its agencies to force the banks and other organizations to terminate their good and long term relationships with their customers. Companies like the Andrew Phillips Cardflex felt the heat when they had to go to court when they were claimed to have engaged in business with a listed company that led to a scam on the consumer’s credit and debit accounts. When you get a notice from your bank then you have no other option than to make other financial arrangements that will not only inconvenience you, but also cost you. Both the financial organizations and the listed businesses are set to incur losses. The losses due to restricted business relations are inevitable.

This kind of law affect where people get their income and some having to face legal procedure. The courts are accompanied by lots of fines, bails and even a lot of money that is used to hire lawyers. Andrew Phillips Cardflex all believe that the unfair treatment of the targeted business should have ended by now but that is just some believe we will have to keep hoping that it is actually true. The work of the government is to protect the citizens at all cost but that “all cost” should be limited up to where the law hurts other people. Be considerate to the ones that are unfairly being targeted and they do not even deserve it. Andrew Phillips Cardflex is a law that should be forgotten because it is outdated because fairness should always be a priority.